Do you think you are well-insured?
The Observatory on Insurance recently published the results of a study giving an overview of the insurance market in Luxembourg. It enables us to better understand how Luxembourg residents perceive insurance and the policies they hold. It shows that policyholders are not always aware of the cover and guarantees they have and those they really need.
In light of these findings, Foyer has joined forces with the Observatory on Insurance to offer Luxembourg residents an overall assessment of their insurance needs.
Key figures that tell us a lot
Because we are all concerned by insurance issues, we have selected for you some key figures obtained through the survey that represent the level of insurance taken out by Luxembourg residents.

Client Assessment, the central tool of our advisory approach.
Knowing our clients and their needs, being present at key moments in their lives (purchase of a car, moving house or refurbishing their property, a birth, marriage, exceptional trip, divorce, etc.), guiding them and offering them the solutions that best meet their needs, is what enables our agents to become advisors at the centre of the relationship.
To help its agents in this advisory role, Foyer has developed a simple and intuitive tool called the “Client assessment”, which allows it to gain an overview of the client’s insurance needs and offer them the most appropriate protection. Depending on the client’s expectations, this assessment allows us to define, along with the client, his or her priority needs as well as his medium- or longer-term prospects.
Finally, this assessment gives the client the opportunity to learn about lesser-known products and ask questions for which they would never have taken the initiative to contact us.
Are you a Foyer client?
Schedule a client assessment with your agent