Welcome on the consultation tool of the General Terms and Conditions*
To consult your General Terms and Conditions documents, thanks for filling your customer number and your contract number into the form below. Those informations are printed on your Particular Conditions received by mail.. Please consult the help below to easily pour retrouver facilement ces informations.
Warning : If your search concerns a Foyer Health contract, thanks for replacing the first digit 8 by a digit 6
*No contractual guarantee is given in a country subject to international sanctions, prohibitions or restrictions (the list is derived from the Group's policy of preventing operations prohibited by international sanctions and is available via this link).
All downloadable documents listed below are in PDF format.Where can I find the General Terms and Conditions for my insurance policy?
To view the General Terms and Conditions for your insurance policy, you will need your customer number and policy number. This information can be found in the Special Conditions you received by post. See header of sample letter below

Where can I find my "customer number" and "policy number" in the special conditions?
You can find them in the paragraph entitled "The policyholder hereby declares". See example below.