The days are getting shorter, the cold is setting in and the rain is getting heavier. Is your home ready for winter? A few simple actions will allow you to reduce your energy consumption and avoid many inconveniences. Checklist of essential precautions to get through the winter with peace of mind.

Check your heating system
As a priority, check your heating system. A poorly maintained heating system is less efficient, if not downright dangerous, and increases your energy bill.
- Check the boiler: have it professionally serviced and check the water pressure. Poorly maintained, your boiler will be less efficient and may break down.
- Bleed the radiators and remove any objects or furniture in the vicinity that may impede the spread of heat.
- Stock up on fuel: whether fuel oil, pellets or firewood, this is no time to run out!
- Have the chimney swept
- Conduct maintenance on your solar thermal system
- Check the fire detectors and the carbon monoxide detector. Install them if you have not already done so, or change the batteries if necessary.
Are your doors and windows airtight?
Doors and windows are the primary sources of draughts and heat loss in your home. Without necessarily re-insulating or replacing your windows, you can improve their airtightness at low cost by caulking or sealing the openings.
- Check the window seals and frames and replace them if necessary.
- Hang drapes or curtains if there are no shutters.
- Install door bottoms or flanges to block cold air.
Note: Never seal window vents or rooms with boilers or water heaters. Tempting as it is, it can be dangerous!
Farewell to old light bulbs
With darker days and longer evenings, we have the lights on a lot. To avoid over-consumption of electricity and the expensive bill that may accompany it, now is the time to get rid of your old halogen lamps or incandescent bulbs and replace them with LEDs.
Is your roof in good condition?
From September to March, the roof of your house will be really put to the test! Make sure there are no broken tiles or damaged cladding. If you have access to the attic, check the state of the insulation and look for leaks.
No more clogged gutters!
By the end of autumn, your gutters are often clogged up with dead leaves, moss and branches. Torrential rain and melting snow could cause a lot of damage! Clean them thoroughly, check the fixings and fit a filter to prevent clogging.
Frozen pipes: easy to avoid
Being without heat or water during severe frosts is not exactly fun. Drain water from outdoor taps and garden hoses. Close valves. Insulate pipes outside and in unheated rooms (cellar, garage, hallway) with foam sleeves.