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Avoid digestive discomfort after festive meals

The festive season is about sharing, merrymaking and digging into delicious hearty meals! Some meals contain a whopping 1,500 calories ! From foie gras to roasts slathered in gravy and rich desserts, our digestive systems are put to the test. Fortunately, there are natural ways to enjoy your get-togethers without indigestion ruining the fun!

Why do we get indigestion after our festive meals?

During the festive season, we all tend to overdo it. The abundance of fatty, sweet, high-protein dishes overloads the digestive system. Our stomach, intestines and liver have to process more food than normal. Alcohol consumption only makes things worse. It fills us up even more and dilutes gastric juices. Our liver has to work extra hard to eliminate its toxins. And all this excess leads to disorders such as acid reflux or nausea. We feel bloated and heavy.

Good to know: why staying hydrated helps

Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day! Drinking water after a meal makes it easier to digest food. It dissolves nutrients so they pass through the digestive system more easily. Opt for still water or herbal teas to avoid feeling gassy.

What helps with mild digestion after a big meal?

Indigestion doesn’t need to be the end of the world. There are a few tricks to avoid post-meal discomfort.

1. Opt for digestive herbal teas

Have you ever noticed how good it feels to drink herbal tea after a hearty meal? It’s a simple, effective way to boost your digestion. Go for teas with chamomile, peppermint or fennel. They soothe the stomach and regulate intestinal transit, so heavy meals are easier to digest. Mint relieves stomach cramps and increases the production of bile which is needed to digest fat. This natural solution will give your digestive tract a welcome boost.

2. Move around after big meals

Who doesn’t fancy a nap after a big meal? Resist the temptation! You’re better off going for an outdoor stroll. Moving around helps the intestines digest a meal. A 15-20 minute walk is enough to speed up the digestive process. Wait 30 minutes before going out – this will give your stomach time to start digesting food.

3. Take a pause between courses

During festive meals, we often don’t pause between courses. Pausing helps our stomach to digest food better. The body has enough time to process each course before we tuck into the next one. You will avoid overloading your digestive system.

4. Natural digestive enzymes

Fruit will help you digest after a rich lunch or dinner. Pineapple and papaya are packed with enzymes that break down proteins. If you eat a lot of meat or dishes with sauces, add fruit to your dessert. Your tummy will thank you!

Good to know: don’t overdo it

To help your digestion, go easy on rich foods and alcohol.

How to prevent digestive discomfort?

You can prevent indigestion from ruining your festivities by following a few simple tips. A healthy diet combined with preparing your body will really help your digestive system.

1. Get your body ready

With big meals in the menu, it’s worth prepping your body in advance. Before the festivities begin, eat a diet rich in fibre, fruit and fresh vegetables. This will lighten the load on your digestive system. Your body will be ready to handle heavy meals without being overloaded.

2. Eat slowly and chew well

Eating slowly helps digestion. Chewing food releases enzymes into the mouth which gets our digestive systems going. By eating more slowly, your stomach can get ready to digest food. You’ll feel less bloated and be less likely to suffer from indigestion.

3. Avoid fizzy drinks

Fizzy drinks cause bloating. Their bubbles strain the stomach. It’s best to opt for still water or herbal tea to avoid discomfort.

Good to know: take care of your liver

Our liver has to work extra hard to digest fats and alcohol. Treating it to a detox can make all the difference. Foods such as lemon, artichoke or black radish are known for their liver-friendly benefits. Eating them after the festivities can help detox the liver.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy festive meals without getting indigestion or feeling heavy. From herbal teas to walks, each one will boost your digestion so you can make the most of each festive meal. Treat yourself, while taking care of yourself!

The three key points to remember:

  1.  To prepare your digestive tract before rich meals, drink plenty of water and eat light meals.
  2. Herbal teas, a post-meal walk and pausing between courses will make hearty meals easier to digest.
  3. Foods like lemon or artichoke help detox your liver after festive excesses.


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