
How can Newcomers optimise their tax returns?

Changing jobs and schools for your children, looking for somewhere to live, dealing with a host of administrative procedures, moving to Luxembourg is a real adventure. This move also has…

Read more : How can Newcomers optimise their tax returns?

Health insurance: how do I get reimbursed for dental treatment?

A beautiful smile takes work and that work is sometimes expensive. Fortunately, Luxembourg’s health insurance system guarantees access to affordable healthcare, including visits to the dentist. However, the level of…

Read more : Health insurance: how do I get reimbursed for dental treatment?

Eight stretches for joggers and other tips to prevent running injuries

Wenn Sie Ihre Sportschuhe anziehen, dann wollen Sie nur noch loslaufen? Nicht so schnell! Es ist überaus wichtig, sich zu dehnen, um die Flexibilität und die Bewegungsamplitude Ihrer Muskeln zu…

Read more : Eight stretches for joggers and other tips to prevent running injuries

Understanding the health system in Luxembourg: What are the differences between mutual insurers and insurance companies?

Luxembourg is renowned for its efficient and accessible healthcare system. Understanding how this system works, and in particular the difference between mutual insurance companies such as CMCM and insurance companies…

Read more : Understanding the health system in Luxembourg: What are the differences between mutual insurers and insurance companies?

The Sober Buddy Challenge, a month without alcohol for better health

To usher in the New Year with enthusiasm and health, let’s kick off February with the Sober Buddy Challenge. This challenge, which involves abstaining from alcohol for a whole month,…

Read more : The Sober Buddy Challenge, a month without alcohol for better health

How about getting your children to want to brush their teeth?

Ihre Kinder haben sicherlich Halloween genutzt, um sich auf die Jagd nach Bonbons zu begeben und haben es vielleicht etwas mit den Süßigkeiten übertrieben. Haben sie kein Bauchweh bekommen? Und…

Read more : How about getting your children to want to brush their teeth?

How to choose your sunscreen

Sunbathing is a part of summer and tanned skin is a souvenir we bring back from our holidays. However, t as you know exposure to the sun must be done…

Read more : How to choose your sunscreen