Pit Van Rijswijck is no ordinary employee. Pit is an employee of the Foyer Group since 2013, alongside his professional career, he has a real passion for sport and has reached a level that goes well beyond that of the usual amateur.

For many years, he shared this passion with his father, Tun, who was also a keen sportsman and together they ran many marathons. When Tun died suddenly from a rare form of brain cancer in June 2020, it came as a devastating blow to Pit and his loved ones.
To pay tribute to him, Pit decided to really put himself to the test by taking part in the Word Marathon Challenge, which will take place from 6th to 12th February 2022. This event requires an incredible level of physical fitness, because the challenge is to run 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days.
At the same time as this sporting adventure, Pit, in partnership with the Foyer Group, is conducting a huge fundraising campaign, with all the proceeds going to Fondation Cancer to support research into glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer.
The Foyer Group has supported charities and research projects for many years, and is pleased to confirm its donation of €25,000 to Fondation Cancer.
If you wish to be a part of this adventure and support research, make a donation to Fondation Cancer and follow Pit Van Rijswijck’s adventures on the page dedicated to his challenge.
Soon, you will also find interviews with Pit and his tips on preparing for the World Marathon Challenge.