Do you have lots of ideas for the future? Do you dream of buying a country house, sailing around the world, building a veranda or helping your children or grandchildren get a good start in life? Today, saving is no longer enough to bring your plans to life. So Foyer has come up with some tailor-made investment solutions that combine the benefits of life insurance with the returns of the financial markets while keeping your money available at all times.

Savings account, stock market or something else entirely?
With inflation soaring, putting money aside each month could end up being a dead loss. On the other hand, you may not feel like a financial expert used to the volatility of the stock market…
This is why Foyer has created some investment solutions in the form of life insurance policies, to enable you to build up capital and make it grow while organising the transfer of your assets.
Tailor-made packages that adapt to all types of needs, whether or not you feel you have the profile of an investor. With the huge advantage, over traditional retirement savings or life insurance, that you can withdraw (some or all) of your money at any time, without penalty or fees*.
The concept? Flexible multi-vehicle life insurance policies with free payments and withdrawals, which allow you to invest at your own pace, and where your money is always available when you need cash.
An ideal plan to make your savings grow according to your needs, changes in your circumstances and your investor profile: from the most conservative to the most daring, to environmentally conscious customers, everyone will be able to find an investment plan suited to their needs, thanks to the various smartlife and invest4change packages.
Why save through life insurance?
Controlling how your estate is passed on
This is the huge advantage of the life insurance package: in the event of your death before the end of the policy, the accumulated sum is paid out very quickly to the beneficiaries and without the intervention of a notary, unlike assets deposited in a bank account, for example.
The beneficiaries do not have to be your natural heirs: you are free to choose your beneficiaries in the event of your death. In addition, you can change this choice at any time, easily and free of charge!
Tax-free savings
Whether at the end of the policy or in the event of a partial or total withdrawal of your assets before the end of the policy, the capital accumulated within the framework of a life insurance policy is never taxed on withdrawal!
Optimum protection for invested assets
In Luxembourg, you benefit from maximum protection (known as the “triangle of security”) of your savings in the event of the insurance company’s default. Your money is kept in a separate account from that of the insurance company, with a bank approved by the Commissariat Aux Assurances (the Luxembourg Insurance Commission).
Your assets are therefore kept legally separate from those of the insurer’s shareholders and creditors, allowing you to recover your entire capitalised savings with priority over any other creditor.
smartlife and invest4change: much more than life insurance!
In addition to the benefits of life insurance in terms of taxation, estate planning and capital protection, the new Foyer smartlife and invest4change insurance products include other benefits usually reserved for traditional savings and investments, combining financial performance and asset availability.
Better return prospects
Your capital need not stagnate in an account: smartlife and invest4change offer you numerous possibilities to grow your savings, depending on your investment horizon (over the long term) and your investor profile (need for security, appetite for risk, desire for balance or environmental sensitivity).
You don’t need to be a great financial expert. Your Foyer adviser will help you choose the package that best suits your needs and to spread your capital across different investment vehicles, with guaranteed interest rates or variable capital – the latter are riskier, but also offer greater prospects for growth.
Of course, as your life changes, so do your needs: you will then be able to change your package at any time.
Need cash?
What if you need your money sooner than expected? This is often an obstacle to saving via a life insurance policy or retirement savings. This is because the penalties and exit fees in the event of early withdrawal can be so high that they considerably reduce the accumulated capital. This is the great strength of the smartlife and invest4change insurance products: you can withdraw your money at any time, in whole or in part, without any exit fees*!
Does investing sound risky to you?
Don’t worry: with a smartlife or invest4change policy, your savings are managed by a team of CapitalatWork Foyer Group managers, who have more than 30 years’ experience in asset management. They aim to strike the right balance between risk and return so as to profit from performance on the financial markets.
Finally, these products are accessible to everyone and can be taken out for a regular premium of €200/month. So you can invest at your own pace without impacting your daily budget!
Investing ethically: the “plus” of invest4change
Do you want your investments to help build a more sustainable, ecological and socially responsible future? If you don’t want your precious savings to be used to support oil and gas exploration in the Arctic, or the tobacco or arms industry, invest4change is for you. As the first insurance product to be awarded the LuxFlag Sustainable Insurance label, it selects ethical investment funds for you according to an asset selection methodology (shares or bonds) that incorporates environmental, societal and governance (ESG) criteria.
Its philosophy is to promote companies that are active in sustainable economic development. Thanks to an investment strategy strictly approved by associations of professionals specialising in this area, it allows you to save in accordance with your values, to take care of the world we live in.
What is socially responsible investment?
* Please refer to the smartlife and invest4change general terms and conditions to find out the terms and conditions for early withdrawal at no charge.