For several years now the Foyer Group has implemented a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach, via actions to support public interest or solidarity projects, as well as staff well-being, through an eco-responsible environmental policy and the development of new offers for its clients based on sustainable investment.

During 2020, a year marked by the Covid-19 epidemic, the Group was determined more than ever to continue these actions, notably by contributing to the collective effort to combat the health crisis: Donations to university research, participation in a solidarity hackathon, assistance to those in need, are among the initiatives bringing hope for the post-pandemic future.
Moreover, many other actions were taken on themes related to sustainable finance, social welfare, education, humanitarian aid and ecology, most often directly on the initiative of staff from all companies within the Group. All of these unifying and inspiring projects are a source of satisfaction for Foyer’s employees, giving greater meaning to their daily lives.
In 2021, by continuing these actions and through new initiatives, Foyer and its staff sincerely hope to continue to improve their societal impact for a better future, together!