Outstanding balance insurance

Mortgage life insurance policies

Our mortgage/loan life insurance policies (TSRD) focus investissement provides life coverage to cover the capital amount borrowed for investments, typically mortgage loans and long-term investments related to purchasing business premises or when buying or building a home.

I protect myself against
the unexpected

Cover you can adapt to fit your needs

In the event of death

With a TSRD policy, we’ll pay back the balance of your mortgage to ensure your loved ones are not left with a heavy financial burden.

In the event of disability

The policyholder becomes eligible to receive the payout that is available at that given time should they become totally and permanently disabled.

Protection for your loved ones in the event of death or disability

By insuring your mortgage, you’re protecting your loved ones from financial hardship.

Tax optimisation

Insurance premiums for TSRD loan balance policies are income-tax deductible up to €672 per year, or double if you are married/for each additional child.

Bis zu 672 € jährlich zusätzlich für jede weitere Person im selben Haushalt.

If you pay a single premium, the annual deductible limit increases depending on your age and the number of children you have.

Right to be forgotten

At the end of 2019, Foyer Assurances signed the convention on the “right to be forgotten”, which entered into force on 1 January 2020.

This convention aims to facilitate access to loan balance policies for at-risk individuals with cancer and under certain conditions.

When and how to clean your chimney – our five top tips

Lighting a fire on a cold, wintry night is one of the greatest pleasures a home can offer. But you should be aware that with this luxury comes certain responsibilities, including…

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Burglary alert: avoid risks during the holiday season

According to the latest data published by STATEC, 12% of Luxembourg’s residents have been a victim of a burglary attempt. Although there are no official figures, it is known that…

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Expats: prepare for your winter trip home with appropriate insurance

As the winter holidays approach, many foreign residents are getting ready to return home to see their family and friends. While the excitement of travel is evident, it is crucial…

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Find all our advice on the blog

You can discover all our articles written by experts to help you understand the world of insurance, give you the best advice and above all, help you prevent risks in your everyday life.

The insurance check-up, the central instrument of our advisory approach

As an insurer, our role is to guide you towards the type of coverage most suited to your daily activities so that you feel fully protected.

To help everyone clarify their situation, we have developed what we call the “customer assessment“. It’s a simple, intuitive tool that provides an overview of your insurance needs, defines your priority requirements and your medium- and long-term prospects, and guides you towards a personalised solution.

To take advantage of this service, just make an appointment with a Foyer agent, it’s free and with no obligation.

MyFoyer Client Area

In your MyFoyer client area, you can view your contracts, request a tax certificate or update your personal details.

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