
Prepare for your retirement in a flexible way

I save
for my retirement

Key features

Tax optimisation

Under the terms to articles 111bis of the Income Tax Law, it is possible to deduct from your taxable amount the premiums paid under a life insurance policy. You can deduct up to €3,200 a year under your horizon policy.


The choice of different investment vehicles to allocate your savings

1 capital protection option to provide balance between growth and security.
(Within the limit of 50% of your investments)

6 variable capital investment vehicles that offer greater performance, including 2 ESG vehicles to give meaning to your investments by adopting a responsible approach.


  • The minimum contract term is 10 years.
  • The contract maturity age is minimum 60 years and maximum 75 years.

Access to different unit-linked investment vehicles

To benefit from interesting yield prospects, you also have access to different funds.
They enable you to invest according to your investment horizon and your risk profile.

Currency Date NAV YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years
ESG Bonds at Work CurrencyEUR Date20/03/2025 NAV154.77 YTD-0.02 % 1 year3.06 % 3 years-0.63 % 5 years0.94 % Download details
ESG Equities at Work CurrencyEUR Date20/03/2025 NAV237.18 YTD2.54 % 1 year6.38 % 3 years8.05 % 5 years16.22 % Download details
Contrarian CurrencyEUR Date20/03/2025 NAV1164.18 YTD1.18 % 1 year8.3 % 3 years7.04 % 5 years16.55 % Download details
Defensive CurrencyEUR Date20/03/2025 NAV203.12 YTD0.59 % 1 year3.57 % 3 years1.38 % 5 years4.76 % Download details
Balanced CurrencyEUR Date20/03/2025 NAV219.14 YTD0.91 % 1 year5.4 % 3 years3.66 % 5 years8.88 % Download details
Dynamic CurrencyEUR Date20/03/2025 NAV274.03 YTD1.47 % 1 year7.57 % 3 years5.93 % 5 years12.96 % Download details

Annualized return in %

Key features horizon

You are free to choose the frequency and size of the premiums paid.
Estate planning
You are free to appoint the beneficiaries of your smartlife policy in the event of death, a choice you can amend at any time free of charge.
You choose how you wish to access your funds
At retirement (between the ages of 60 and 75), you can opt for: a monthly lifetime annuity, free access to all or part of your capital, or a mix of the two. In the event of disability or serious illness, your interest or capital may be paid out before you reach retirement age.
Responsible management
The management of your savings is ensured by a team of experienced CapitalatWork managers. They aim to strike the right balance between risk and yields so as to profit from performance on the financial markets.

Invest in your plans

Do you have lots of ideas for the future? Do you dream of buying a country house, sailing around the world, building a veranda or helping your children or grandchildren…

Read more : Invest in your plans

Insurance premiums that can be deducted when you file your Luxembourg tax return

Luxembourg’s tax system offers ways to reduce your income tax liability thanks to deductible insurance premiums. Article 111bis of the individual tax allowances (ITA)[1] allows you to deduct up to…

Read more : Insurance premiums that can be deducted when you file your Luxembourg tax return

Completing your Luxembourg tax return: hints and tips

Most Luxembourg citizens and cross-border workers must complete a tax declaration in Luxembourg every year. The declaration gives you the opportunity to deduct various expenses and so  reduce the amount…

Read more : Completing your Luxembourg tax return: hints and tips

Find all our advice on the blog

You can discover all our articles written by experts to help you understand the world of insurance, give you the best advice and above all, help you prevent risks in your everyday life.

The insurance check-up, the central instrument of our advisory approach

As an insurer, our role is to guide you towards the type of coverage most suited to your daily activities so that you feel fully protected.

To help everyone clarify their situation, we have developed what we call the “customer assessment“. It’s a simple, intuitive tool that provides an overview of your insurance needs, defines your priority requirements and your medium- and long-term prospects, and guides you towards a personalised solution.

To take advantage of this service, just make an appointment with a Foyer agent, it’s free and with no obligation.

MyFoyer Client Area

In your MyFoyer client area, you can view your contracts, request a tax certificate or update your personal details.

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