Rules of the prize draw “Travel”

ARTICLE 1       Name

Foyer Assurances S.A., a société anonyme (Luxembourg public limited company) with its registered office at 12 Rue Léon Laval, L-3372 LEUDELANGE, entered in the Luxembourg trade and companies register under reference number B34267, represented by its current board of directors, is the organiser of the prize draw entitled “Foyer Voyage 2024”.

ARTICLE 2       Length

The “Foyer Voyage 2024” contest runs from 10 June to 31 August 2024.

The draw will take place on 6 September 2024

ARTICLE 3       Prize draw entry and process

The prize draw is free and without any obligation to purchase.

Participation in the draw is limited to contestants aged 18 or over and residents of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Only one participation per contestant will be taken into account per contest period. Entry into the draw implies unreserved acceptance of these rules and compliance with the laws and regulations in force in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The process for participating in the draw is as follows:

Participants must:

  1. Go to the page
  2. Take the quiz
  3. Then leave their contact details via a form

ARTICLE 4       Modification

Foyer Assurances S.A. reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to extend, suspend or interrupt the prize draw described in article 1.

Foyer Assurances S.A.’s liability shall not be incurred as a result, in respect of the entrant or any other person.

ARTICLE 5      Principle of the prize draw

The “Foyer Voyage 2024” contest is a non-recurring offer that aims to give 3 winners, selected by draw, a travel voucher worth €1,000 each.

The future winners expressly acknowledge and agree that Foyer Assurances S.A. may publish their name in order to promote the result of the prize draw on its website as well as on social networks for which Foyer Assurances S.A. has an account or an official page. 

ARTICLE 6       Prize allocation

The winners shall be selected by random draw and shall be notified by Foyer Assurances S.A. of their win by email.

The provision by the winners of an email address is an essential condition to be able to participate in the prize draw. This email address must remain valid so that the winners can be duly notified. If the winners do not respond within five business days after notification of the win to confirm their wish to accept the prize, a second draw shall determine a new winner.

Once they have been notified of their win, the winners will have until 4 p.m. on Thursday 12 September to confirm their win by email to

Foyer Assurances S.A. undertakes not to sell, exchange or communicate participants’ data to third parties other than Foyer Group companies.

ARTICLE 7       Bundles

  • 3 travel vouchers worth €1,000 each

The prize allocated may not be challenged in any way, no cash or other alternative is offered and the prize may not be replaced or exchanged for any reason at all.

ARTICLE 8       Promotion

Foyer Assurances S.A. reserves the right to publish the name and photograph of the winners for advertising or public relations purposes, without any remuneration other than the prize won. Any winner that objects to the use of his/her name and photo for advertising or public relations reasons must inform Foyer Assurances S.A. via a simple letter or email sent to it within 15 days of the announcement of the results.

ARTICLE 9      Communication

All communications relating to this contest must be sent by email to the following address:

ARTICLE 10     Personal data protection

Participants authorise Foyer Assurances S.A. and other companies in the Foyer Group to record, store and process electronic data collected during their participation in the prize draw, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the law of 1 August 2018 relating to the protection of natural persons in respect of the processing of personal data in criminal matters as well as in matters of national security. The data provided by the participants are strictly confidential and for the exclusive use of Foyer Group.

The data shall be kept for the duration of the prize draw and for a maximum period of six months after the prizes are awarded to the winners, it being understood that publication on any social network shall not be deleted at the end of that six-month period (and shall remain accessible to the public) unless expressly requested by the winner.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, participants may ask free of charge, by letter or email, to access information pertaining to them, in order to have it corrected, amended or deleted, to exercise the right to data portability or to object to its processing by Foyer Group.

ARTICLE 11     Jurisdiction and applicable law

Relations between Foyer Assurances S.A. and contestants in this “Foyer Voyage 2024” prize draw are governed by Luxembourg law.

The courts of Luxembourg shall have sole competence in all disputes relating to the proposed competition, although Foyer Assurances S.A. may bring the dispute before any other court which, notwithstanding the above specified jurisdiction, would normally be competent in respect of the participants.

ARTICLE 12     Filing of the rules

A copy of these rules may be obtained free of charge on simple request, throughout the duration of the prize draw, by letter sent to Foyer Assurances, whose registered office is at 12 Rue Léon Laval, L-3372 Leudelange or by email to:

It is also possible to view the rules at any time on the website